Best Friends Animal Society

CA: Help pets in shelters with SB 1347


Thank you for your interest in supporting California Senate Bill 1347.

This alert is no longer active.

Please read the following update from Ledy VanKavage, Senior Legislative Attorney at Best Friends:

We got close! Best Friends advocates worked with CAL Animals, the main driver of this important legislation, to successfully get SB 1347 through the California Senate. However, CAL Animals rightfully asked the House sponsor to pull the bill from consideration after special interest groups* successfully lobbied Assemblyman and Committee Chairman Evan Low to attach a costly amendment to the bill. If passed, this amendment would have interfered with an animal shelter's ability to save animals, something we simply could not accept. We are disappointed with this outcome but will keep fighting for California animals in next year's legislative session. Please sign up with the 2025 Action Team below to stay updated on future efforts you can support.

*The California Veterinary Medical Board and the California State Veterinary Medical Society, specifically


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