Light the way to lifesaving

Become a lifesaving Guardian Angel

It would mean the world to pets like Honey Bee if you did. Because it was with the help of Guardian Angels that her life was saved.

Guardian Angels are monthly donors who are there for homeless pets year-round, offering help when and where they need it most. They are lifelines and lifesavers. They make an enormous impact on the lives of dogs and cats nationwide, and Honey Bee can certainly attest to that.

Honey Bee was found abandoned in an empty apartment with a broken, infected leg. She needed emergency medical care to have the leg amputated and a foster home to help her heal. And that's exactly what she got — with the help of Best Friends and kind folks like you. It took a little time, but this sweet girl is now doing wonderfully. In fact, she's in a loving home all her own.

Guardian Angels truly mean everything to the animals because they ensure that homeless pets receive love, care and companionship in their darkest hours. So please become a Guardian Angel today and be a light in the dark for so many. Join us and, together, let’s Save Them All.

Your monthly donation to Best Friends

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