Best Friends Animal Society

Pig with Sheep Rising (Capricorn/December 22 – January 19)

As a pig, you're "well-kempt" (yes, they are clean animals) and, of course, extremely smart. But what's most notable about your resemblance to the lovely pig is that you both like routine and order. There's a time for beauty sleep, a time for play, a time for mud baths and, for heaven's sake, is breakfast two minutes late again? This is traumatizing.

On your horizon is the rising sign of sheep, which not only lends you a luxurious head of lustrous curls. (If you don't have a luxurious head of lustrous curls, you might possibly want to buy one. It would suit you!) But it also lends you a certain cautiousness, a certain tendency to look carefully before you leap, a wisdom that makes you a builder and a saver. That's part of why you're known to all as a solid friend and a beacon of common sense, with a charming pink snout and little piglet legs that make you literally "down to earth."

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Dog with Goat Rising (Aquarius/January 20 – February 18)

You're loyal. You're gallant. You're a brave protector. That's because your sign is Dog, and nobody's gonna mess with your pack. But on your horizon lurks the mischievous goat — always climbing high to get a broader view of the world, always pondering what's best for the herd and occasionally chewing on people's pant cuffs.

With Goat as your rising sign, you take a global, top-of-the-mountain perspective. You always make sure you're giving to the whole. But that doesn't mean you won't eat that guy's shirt sleeve if he comes any closer. You're a giver, but you're not a self-depriver.

And strong? Oh, yes. As a Dog, you're very courageous and forthright, although it's true that you bark a little louder when you know your whole gang is barking behind you — which you can always bet they are, because people as loyal as you have a way of bringing out the loyalty in others.

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Rabbit with Cat Rising (Pisces/February 19 – March 20)

Creative, dreamy and enchanting: As a rabbit you're truly a creature of the flowering earth. And you're only nervous because half the entire animal kingdom on planet Earth would like to eat you. That doesn't make you a coward. It makes you observant.

But fear not, fluffy friend, because your rising is in the sign of the very well-clawed cat. So those who try to pounce on you will find themselves scratched, hissed at or, even worse, haughtily ignored and left alone with a dirty litterbox in your wake.

The song of your life is melodic. It sings: "Don't mess with bunnies" (at least not well-connected ones).

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Cat with Burro Rising (Aries/March 21 – April 19)

Fiercely independent and unwilling to follow any path you didn't scratch out yourself, as a cat you don't mind strutting solo. You're smart, you make your way intuitively and if that person next to you won't stop meowing when you're trying to think, they might just get a bop with your furry right paw.

Then on your horizon is another sure-footed friend. The trustworthy burro is your rising sign. That's why you're made of tough stuff, it's why your kick can be more fearsome than your bray, and that's why (secretly) you're always down for a rub on those long, silky ears of yours.

After some necessary caution, your inner burro welcomes affection and companionship, even when your inner cat pretends she's just purring to clear her throat.

Not that your inner cat doesn't make a great friend, too! It's just that you can be a little conflicted. Do I help carry others because I'm so strong? Or do I make them carry me because … well, because.

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Horse with Dog Rising (Taurus/April 20 – May 20)

Graceful, majestic and sturdy as a horse, you don't really need anyone on your back. But everyone wants you to carry them! That's because you're as trustworthy as you are beautiful. You feel steady as a rock to people who need something to cling to. And everything you do looks like poetry in motion.

Do some folks get jealous? Oh, you'd better believe they do. When you've got that melodic neigh and those smooth moves, you know the haters are gonna hate. But you're still nice to them all because your rising sign is Dog. That makes you cheerful, loyal and always ready to see the best in others.

They may be jealous, but all you've got is love and the urge to collect all the best toys, bones and goodies life has to offer. Hey, you're nice, but you're no self-depriving Spartan!

You know that the shiniest trinkets should always go to the person with the most luxurious mane.

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Parrot with Cat Rising (Gemini/May 21 – June 20)

As a parrot, you have a way with words. And there probably isn't any amount of trouble you can't talk your way out of. That's a good thing, because with a rising sign of Cat, goodness only knows what you've been up to!

You're charming, you're colorful, you're full of life. And like most parrots, you know how to work a room and bring the party to the party. But because of that rising cat, just when people think they know what you're all about, they turn around and you've become silent or maybe even vanished.

The truth is, there's a lot more going on with you than meets the eye. Under the chatty surface there are deep thoughts, profound mysteries and a solid appreciation for batting around catnip-filled mice toys. (Don't knock it till you've tried it!)

The point is that your playfulness and your intelligence run deep. But your gift of the gab, your carefree façade and your occasional intimidating squawk? Sometimes those are just your clever ways of getting more crackers.

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Cat with Tortoise Rising (Cancer/June 21 – July 22)

You're sensitive, you're deeply empathetic, you know things that nobody could possibly know: That's the cat in you. But now let's talk about that giant shell on your back.

With a rising sign of Tortoise, you could say you're a little attached to home – like literally attached. There's something about coziness that you just can't resist. There's something about a hearth fire and a warm bowl of cream (or vegan cream) or, heck, let's just make it wine. There's something about ending the day in your own special cat bed that brings you back to yourself.

A life of rushing around just isn't for you. It's not that you couldn't beat a hare in a race if you had to. It's just that to you, life is something to be savored, reflected upon and deeply felt. You're always there to comfort your friends with a purr and a few long, knowing blinks. And then you're ready for them get lost for a bit while you siesta in your personal oasis. It's called "life balance."

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Rooster with Dog Rising (Leo/July 23 – August 22):

You're awesome. You know it. As a rooster, when you walk in a room, it's either gonna be all eyes on you because of that bright red comb on your head, or else everyone's gonna move away because of those spurs they don't wanna get stabbed with.

As a rooster, you know you're the star of every show, including that fabulous one where the sun makes its way up to the top of the sky amid all that pink. Yep, that one's yours. That's why you're there to announce it every morning.

But what can surprise folks is just how loyal and caring you are under all those striking feathers. That's because you've got dog rising and when you're somebody's friend — that means for life. You don't judge your friends, you don't drop your friends and nobody better mess with them. You may know how to prance, but you also know how to support, care for and be there for people. And that's the real reason everyone wants to bask in your sunrise.

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Guinea Pig with Dog Rising (Virgo/August 23 – September 22)

As a guinea pig, you appreciate the little things in life. Being so close to the ground, you easily see what others miss: the tiny holes in a leaf, the minuscule pebbles that can get stuck between toes and the fact that there are only exactly 16 pellets left in your food dish. (Service, please!)

You're a perfectionist to be sure and also highly sensitive to detail. Like all guinea pigs, you notice things in others that they don't even notice in themselves. But there's nothing heavy about being around you, because you have dog rising, and that makes you one of the most upbeat people anyone can have in their life. Everyone knows that you can't be sad when there's a dog around, and the same goes for you.

Cheerful and loyal, your inner guinea pig may have noticed a strange mood coming off your friend (not to mention the tiniest speck of spinach stuck in his teeth), but your inner dog would never dream of mentioning it. All you want to do is keep everyone's spirits up and teach them how to do that guinea pig "popcorn" jump for joy.

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Dog with Dove Rising (Libra/September 23 – October 22)

As a dog, you get along with almost everybody. (Well, there's the occasional wagging tail-hater out there, but we'll chalk that up to "issues.") The point is that most sane people like dogs and most sane people like you. You're easy company, you're cheerful more often than not and you're honest. We know there aren't a lot of tricky cards behind your back because your paws couldn't even hold them!

The one dog-like thing you really don't do is slobber. That's because your rising sign is the elegant Dove. That makes you dignified, a bit regal and, most of all, a peacemaker. You have a talent for swooping in when everyone around you is having a barking match and offering a fair-minded olive branch that even the most alpha among them is willing to consider. You have a strong sense of truth, justice and evenhandedness that flies along beside you wherever your nose may lead. And more often than not, that nose is leading you to evermore friends because let's be frank: You're popular.

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Cat with Raven Rising (Scorpio/October 23 – November 21)

As a cat you're intense, perceptive and good at landing on your feet even in the most dire situations. But let's talk about what kind of a cat you are, because sure, you can be cuddly, playful and adorable when the situation is just right. But your rising sign is a raven. And that makes you even more inclined to be a mysterious sort of a cat. You're the sort of cat who's watching people from the rafters a little more closely than they realize, the sort of cat who has some secrets, and the sort of cat who might just swoop down with claws extended – if it's come to your attention that somebody needs a good swatting-at.

It's not that you're unforgiving. It's just that … OK, maybe you can be a little unforgiving. But it's certainly not that you're unkind. On the contrary, with raven rising you carry around with you the wisdom of ancients, the prophecies of the wind and a unique, high-in-the-air perspective that ultimately makes you prefer to be a "purrer," not a scratcher.

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Owl with Cat Rising (Sagittarius/November 22 – December 21)

As an owl, obviously, you are wise. But where does all of that wisdom come from? It comes from being able to turn your head so far around, of course! You can see more than the person next to you and that makes all the difference.

For the most part, you owls are happy to perch about, philosophizing. To you, exploring the depths of the mind and soul is a form of adventure and you can do it for hours. But let us not forget that owls are, after all, birds. And the one thing you cannot tolerate is being caged. You may choose to sit still for a while and think, but the freedom to fly to a distant branch is imperative to the well-being of your soul. You are a traveling spirit — a wanderer who yearns to collect wisdom from distance lands. Both your body and your mind must be free.

Then, of course, you've got a rising sign of cat, which only makes it all the harder to teach you obedience and parlor tricks. Fiercely independent, you're going to do whatever it is you're going to do. And you always know exactly what that is, even if at times others point out that it really looks like your head is on backwards. Shows what they know!

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