Keri & Jade: The Love They Left Behind

Losing our sweet baby sister so suddenly, and unexpectedly, has left a void in our hearts that cannot and will not ever be filled.  In trying to process our grief, we discovered this quote:

"When we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind."    ~~unknown

As the evidence of how she touched so many came pouring in through many shared memories of love, support, and kindness; we became empowered to find a way to honor her.

We could say that the outpouring of love surprised us, but it did not, at all, because our sister left love behind in everyone she met, welcoming them with that big gorgeous smile and even bigger hugs.

And as much as she loved on people, her true passion was animal rights.  Keri was a vegan who never forced her beliefs on anyone, but instead humbly led her life true to herself as a role model for the change she wanted to see in the world.

She truly wanted to “save them all” and she considered her pet Jade to be her best friend, so we couldn’t think of a more fitting charity for all of her loved ones to be able to honor her than

With love,
Carleen & Earl

Jade's 4th Birthday
Jade's 4th Birthday
110% raised of $500 goal